Eugénie Paultre
Born 1979 lives and works in France
Represented by the Galerie La Ligne since 2022
Works by Eugénie Paultre
Geometry, originally, is a certain measure of the earth. The earth that we live on finds its language in this way–without words.
Painting, when it is geometrical, or rather when it has to do with geometry linked to intuition, is geo-graphy: it draws and surveys a space, following its own inner compass. It is focused on elementary lines and figures.It is transposition, mere translation of the earthly dimension that travels the country of sensitive invisibility. Unfolding the line–that sums up the faces and the veins of receptiveness. Stripping the white light–that sums up all colors.
Out of the world, of the world–at the edge. Geo-metry. Earth, "terra," dry place, place–that we water with gratefulness.
Public collections (Selection)
Carré d'Art - Musée d'art contemporain, Nimes (FR)
Mudam - The Contemporary Art Museum of Luxembourg (LU)
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