Go Segawa

Go Segawa

Born 1970 in Saitama (JPN), lives and works in France

Represented by the Galerie La Ligne since 2019

Works by Go Segawa

The border between 2D (painting) and 3D (sculpture), virtual and real space, illusion and materiality...

He creates sculptures in which one can feel, at the same time, three conceptually different elements: the two dimensions, the three dimensions and gravity. This disturbs the perception of space.

From the notion of painting and sculpture, he tries to move the drawing from two-dimensional space to the illusion of three-dimensional space. And this subject brings up a question of gravity. So, by mixing these elements, he creates:

- ...weightless sculptures...

- sculptures in volume in drawing

Public collections (Selection)

- Metal sculpture in the town of Oiron (FR)

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