Renaud Jacquier Stajnowicz
Born in France 1952, where he lives and works
Represented by the Galerie La Ligne since 2011
Works by Renaud Jaquier Stajnowicz
Jacquier Stajnowicz's work is based on the superimposition of forms, elements, colours and the unstable balance it creates. To penetrate into the mystery of these contradictions. Discover the secrets hidden in the work in the calm and balance of matter and the restraint of forms. Creating elements in which shapes and colours attract or repel each other, but ultimately unite.
Christian Talmard
Public collections (Selection)
Musée Arithmeum, Bonn, Germany
Fondation Leschot, Switzerland
Fondation National d’Art Contemporain, Paris, France
Musée Géo Charles, Echirolles, France
Maison des Arts, Thonon les Bains, France
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